Upcoming Lecture: Global Trends in Energy Transition

Speaker: Chris Nelder – creator and host of the Energy Transition Show podcast

October 6th, 7 PM Sykes Common Lounge at St. Lawrence University and via zoom: https://stlawu.zoom.us/j/94144512533

Public is welcome! We can have a max of 50 people; social-distancing and masks are mandatory.

Please join us for an exciting lecture about the current status of the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Chris Nelder has published well over a hundred podcasts that interview energy transition experts from across the globe, so his talk is sure to be cutting-edge and exciting. Please direct questions about the event to mbradley@stlawu.edu

Lecture brought to you by the Environmental Studies Department at St. Lawrence University

More info about Chris Nelder: 

Chris Nelder is the creator and host of the Energy Transition Show podcast, and a full-time traveler. Chris has written about energy transition for more than 15 years. He is the author of two books on energy and investing, as well as more than 200 articles on energy in publications such as Nature, Scientific American, Slate, The Atlantic, Quartz, Financial Times, Greentech Media, and SmartPlanet. Prior to taking the podcast on the road full time, he headed the EV-grid Integration team for five years in the Mobility practice at RMI in Boulder, Colorado. He enjoys bantering with other energy geeks on Twitter at @chrisnelder

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