Karen Easter, founder and executive director of Reachout of St. Lawrence County will present Crisis Intervention in the North Country at the next Clarkson University Science Café on Wednesday, November 10 at 7:15 pm.

Exactly 50 years ago this year, three friends started a crisis outreach program in the North Country. Today, Reachout continues to provide essential services to countless individuals and families in crisis situations, including suicide, psychosis, substance abuse, domestic violence and hunger. The work of this dedicated cadre of (mostly) volunteers diverts more than 80% of such incidents away from hospital and police emergency services. Join us as Karen Easter discusses the past, present and future of crisis intervention in the North County.
Traditionally, Science Cafés have brought together local university and college professors and townspeople in relaxed, informal settings, such as coffeehouses and pubs. For the health and safety of all, we will continue with a virtual platform (ZOOM) for the fall 2021 talks. The speaker will make a short presentation about a topic in his or her field and, as always, there will be plenty of time for questions and discussion.
Not familiar with virtual event participation? We will use ZOOM which allows participants to connect with or without ZOOM installed on your device. Use the following link to access the Zoom Help Center, which offers information, instructions and assistance to new Zoom users. https://support.zoom.us
This ZOOM meeting link [required to access the meeting] will be used for all of the fall 2021 talks and is also available on our webpage http://www.clarkson.edu/sciencecafe. Would you like to be added to our email list and receive regular information and reminders? Just email sciencecafe@clarkson.edu and ask us to add you to the list.
The Science Café is sponsored by Clarkson University School of Arts & Sciences, Potsdam NY.