Village of Potsdam seeking nominations for new Citizens Advisory Committee

November 16, 2021

The Village of Potsdam is seeking nominations of village residents to serve on a new Citizens Advisory Committee. 

To help fulfill the vision laid out in the village’s New York State Police Reinvention and Reform Collaborative Plan, the Citizens Advisory Committee will make recommendations to the Mayor and Village Board of Trustees on important matters related to public safety, and will assist in vital community engagement efforts.

The Village invites residents of all backgrounds to self-nominate, or to nominate others who are interested in collaborating deeply with others to guide this important work forward. 

Every effort will be made to form as representative of a group as possible, including persons of color and/or of different ethnic, cultural and/or religious backgrounds, as well as of different generations, professional backgrounds and walks of life. 

The deadline for nominations is December 15, 2021. The nomination form can be found online at, and paper forms are also available at the Village offices.

For more information, please contact Administrator Greg Thompson at or Trustee Alexandra Jacobs Wilke at

Posted by: Kelly Chezum, VP for External Relations,

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