Reintroducing Brian Moulton, Fire and Life Safety Specialist

Clarkson University is committed to maintaining a safe living, learning and working environment and to furnishing a workplace that is free from recognized hazards.  Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) works with the campus community in assessing and evaluating the environment, advocating safe practices, and providing quality educational programs.

In keeping with those goals, Brian Moulton, Fire and Life Safety Specialist, is responsible for regular, random inspections of residential spaces.  Along with entering and inspecting residential spaces, he will educate and possibly impose fines, as appropriate. 

Brian’s residential safety checks occur on a monthly basis. The New York State Office of Fire Prevention & Control also will inspect residential spaces once a year.  If a violation is found, students may be subject to fines, and the item in violation may be confiscated. Repeat and serious violations are also subject to a Dean of Student Inquiry.  Although it is a University goal to receive zero safety violations from the annual inspection of the NYS OFPC Fire Marshal, what’s most important is to ensure you and your peers are living in a safe, educated and worry-free environment.

You can contact Brian at with any safety questions you may have.  Stop him in the hallway and say “hello”!  Let him know how he can best serve you.

For more fire safety information and tips on how to ensure your room is set up in a safe and compliant manner please visit our website:

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