New Academic Calendar Project Next Steps

Through a successful University shared- governance initiative led by Provost Hannigan and coordinated by a team facilitated by Registrar Stokes, examination of opportunities to change the Clarkson Academic Calendar in support of Student Achievement, University rankings, program reputation, and increased revenue potential resulted with approvals to do so.  Documentation of the approvals process related to calendar evaluation, working groups, discussion meetings, and analysis may be found on the University s: drive>organizations>faculty senate>senate agenda packets.

The next steps for implementation of the new academic calendar will likely impact every unit, rank, and stakeholder of the Clarkson community and will require a coordinated effort.  Over the next 18 months, a team of stakeholders and subsequent workflows are charged with implementing the agreed upon design and timeline of the new academic calendar.  Project plan lead Amanda Pickering, AVP of Academic Affairs & Student Achievement, and the core team will soon be reaching out to facilitate this collaborative initiative.

For questions about the next phase for implementing the academic calendar changes, please contact the Office of the Provost.

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