Coulter School of Engineering Newsletter: January 2022

Message From the Dean

As we head into a new year filled with uncertainty, we have reason to hope. True to the Coulter School’s founding ideal, our Golden Knights are rising to today’s challenges and devising technological solutions that will better humanity. Whether that be by commercializing ultrasonic devices that assure quality in pharmaceutical manufacturing, monitoring and analyzing global misinformation or simply excelling in engineering competitions, engineering students and faculty are creating bright futures for all of us. I hope you enjoy reading about their stories and wish you and yours a healthy and happy New Year.

— Bill Jemison
Dean of the Wallace H. Coulter School of Engineering / Tony Collins Professor of Innovative Engineering Culture

Innovating by Example

Innovation and entrepreneurship are skills our students learn from faculty who don’t just talk the talk — they practice what they preach. Take Çetin Çetinkaya as an example. This professor of mechanical & aeronautical engineering recently won $50k in FuzeHub’s 2021 Commercialization Competition for his ultrasonic characterization/evaluation device startup. READ MORE

Multilingual Misinformation

Tackling the “infodemic,” or slew of pandemic misinformation, is going to take concerted effort across all fields and cultures. Professor Yu Liu contributed his engineering expertise and knowledge of Chinese culture, joining forces with faculty from other schools and cultural backgrounds to investigate misinformation and disinformation on social media platforms around the globe. READ MORE

Full SPEED Ahead

It was full speed ahead for our construction engineering management students at the fall regional Associated Schools of Construction competition. The Construction Management SPEED team bagged second place in the Pre-Construction category, continuing a tradition of winning in the regionals before excelling in the nationals, which they will head to in February. READ MORE

Credit Where Credit Is Due

Through a partnership with aircraft museums across North America, Clarkson students have been exploring the legacy of overlooked aerospace pioneers, such as Bessie Coleman and Harriet Quimby, two of the first American women to become licensed pilots. This expanded breadth of educational material comes as Clarkson has broadened its aeronautical engineering program into an aerospace engineering degree. READ MORE

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