Biology Seminar Series
Speaker: Dr. Douglas J. Perkins
University of New Mexico
School of Medicine
Will present a talk titled:
Impact of SARS-CoV-2 Viral Load Dynamics on COVID-19 Disease Severity in Disproportionately Affected Ancestral Groups
Dr. Perkins is a Professor of Medicine at the University of New Mexico. His research projects are primarily based in the U.S. and Kenya, and focus on various molecular aspects of the human host-immune response to parasites and viruses. These include the role of the host immune response in the pathogenesis of COVID-19, determining the role of genetic variation in cytokine, chemokine and effector molecule genes in conditioning susceptibility to Plasmodium falciparium (etiological agent of Malaria), the impact of endemic area co-infections (e.g. HIV-1, TB and bactermia) on clinical outcomes in African children, discovery of molecular targets for immunotherapeutics and using mathematical and epidemiological modeling for integrative biosurveillance.
Date: 21 January 2022
Time: 2:00 pm EST
Virtual Seminar
Please contact kwallace@clarkson.edu for zoom information