Sustainable Development Goal BLITZ!

Join us the week of Feb. 28 for a BLITZ effort to identify the alignment of SDGs with all of our courses and scholarly work. This week is an internationally recognized SDG Awareness Week supported by the University Global Coalition, of which we are a signatory. 

Volunteers are needed for the SDG Blitz!

A BLITZ is a “a rapid, energetic, and concerted effort, typically on a specific task.” This means that we need a lot of people engaged in a short time. Volunteers are needed to conduct short interviews with instructors to learn how they integrate sustainability in their classes  and scholarly work, with particular attention to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We need faculty, staff or student volunteers representing all departments, Grad/Undergrad and campuses.
GOAL – Identify all classes and scholarship with sustainability content during the week of Feb. 28
Volunteer commitment – attend a 30 min training session, commit to 5-10 min interviews with 8-10 instructors, complete a google form for each interview.
The ZOOM training session will be repeated three times Feb 28 (12:30 or 5pm) and Mar 1 (12:00). It will include an introduction to the SDGs, the interview and information recording process, and time for a practice interview.

PLEASE share your interest in volunteering through this very short google form

This is just a start of our SDG initiative, more activities and events will follow. Additional activities include -(1) a month-long social media campaign with daily messages to share how our campuses already integrate SDGs into our activities;
(2) a faculty workshop on Feb 24 to really dive into what we do and can do to integrate sustainability & SDGs into our classes(3) SDG Launch – we are working with the Foundation for Environmental Stewardship to offer their SDG introduction workshop for students. This workshop is intended to empower youth for a sustainable future.  Coming after Spring Break.  Details still in the works. 

PLEASE share your interest in these efforts through this very short google form to get us started with identifying interested colleagues and students from across all campuses and all departments.

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