Message From the Director

We’re deep into winter here at Clarkson, but it hasn’t stopped our Honors students and alums from getting out there into the world. We’re proud of what our Honors community has accomplished within and outside the classroom. While we’ve been having some fun at winter events (including a gingerbread house-building competition judged by our very own President Tony Collins), our students are also seeking out opportunities to develop their skills and share their knowledge with the world. Several of our students have been presenting at conferences and are being recognized for their leadership. We’re also grateful for our tremendous alums, who are accomplishing so much in their fields and who are also modeling that engagement for our students by sharing their knowledge and experiences. This spring, Hebron Yam ’18 of GE Aviation is helping our students prepare for the Career Fair with a special Honors pre-professional workshop; Sergio Gallucci ’16, CTO of SCOUT Inc., will be leading a conversation about failure and finding your path; and Mike Lee ’16, who works in the Configuration Aerodynamics Branch at the NASA Langley Research Center, is offering a keynote and workshop about how finding balance between work and life passions can enhance leadership skills. We are grateful for this opportunity to stay connected with you, too, and hope you enjoy reading more about some of our amazing students and alums.
— Kate Krueger, Director, University Honors Program / Professor of Literature
Viva Los Alamos

Most summer internships in college don’t include working on mass spectrometry and multi-omics pipelines at one of America’s preeminent government laboratories. But for one Honor’s student, that’s exactly what she’s going to do. Biomolecular science major Mary Donnelly ’23 will be spending this summer at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. READ MORE
Redefining the Dream

How many recent grads do you know who launched a research satellite the year after graduation? Or founded a startup that launches satellites to act as eyes for other satellites and make navigation safer? Or were listed on Forbes’ “Next 1000: The Upstart Entrepreneurs Redefining the American Dream” list? We know one: Honors alum Sergio Gallucci ’16. READ MORE
More Than a Tagline

“Golden Knights Rise” isn’t just a tagline; it’s how we live. How apropos, then, that Rise, a Schmidt Futures and Rhodes Trust initiative, selected one of our Golden Knights in its first cohort of 100 Rise Global Winners. Honors student Olaoluwayimika Olugbenle ’25 plans to use the scholarship and support to further his education so that, one day, he can pay it forward. READ MORE
Honors Goes National

It may seem like all we do in these newsletters is brag about Honors undergrads presenting at national conferences. But that’s only because we have so many budding scholars who keep coming up with cutting-edge research! Shelby Alwine ’22 and Mary Donnelly ’23 are the latest; they’ll join other chemists at the Eastern Analytical Symposium, where they’ll present their posters. READ MORE