Clarkson Students Present Research at Psychology Conference

Recently, three Clarkson undergraduate students presented their research at the Eastern Psychological Association (EPA) conference held in New York City. 

L-R: Janine Goggin and Analea Blackburn, and Elijah Schechter and Janine Goggin

Analea Blackburn, a senior psychology major from Nunda, NY, and Janine Goggin, a senior biology and psychology double major from Peabody, MA,  presented their poster titled “Dispelling false beliefs: Developing curriculum about racial health disparities and discrimination”  and Goggin and Elijah Schechter, a junior from Hannawa Falls, NY, majoring in psychology, presented “Rinsta or finsta? Descriptive study of how college students use Instagram accounts.” Several other students were co-authors on the poster with Goggin and Schechter but were unable to attend. They include Samantha Short, Samantha O’Keefe, Katherine Wettengel, Kylee Long, and Clarkson alum Jessica Adams. These two research projects were conducted under the mentorship of Dr. Jennifer Davinack in the Social Development and Health Psychology research lab.

Students say the experience was phenomenal. “It was a great educational experience to be involved in the field of Psychology beyond Clarkson and lovely to get to travel to NYC. I was lucky enough to present both of the projects I work on and have two different, yet equally important, poster session experiences,” Goggin said. “It was also a privilege to attend talks from experts in the field and network with students from other universities. Both Analea and Eli were great partners, and we definitely couldn’t have made it to EPA without the rest of our research team, our research professor Dr. Jennifer Davinack, or the Psychology Department at Clarkson as a whole. I am beyond grateful for this experience, especially in my undergraduate career!”

“EPA was really an incredible experience and something I would’ve never imagined I could do as an undergraduate student. Being able to experience the broader 

psychology and research community was really exciting and a ton of fun. Thank you to Dr. Davinack and the Clarkson Psychology Department for providing us with help and guidance in our research!” Schechter said.

Analea Blackburn says, “presenting research at EPA was one of the most valuable experiences of my undergraduate career. It provided me with an amazing opportunity to connect with other psychology researchers, graduate schools, my fellow Clarkson Psychology undergraduate researchers, and Dr. Jennifer Davinack. I feel very lucky to have had this experience with Eli and Janine, as they are both incredibly talented students. Thank you Dr. Davinack for all your encouragement; I am thankful for the endless support from the Clarkson Psychology department.”

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