Clarkson University FRSF Fund Deadline

Reminder regarding the upcoming deadline for the Faculty Research Support Fund (FRSF).  
OverviewClarkson’s Sponsored Research Services, in partnership with our internal Research Advisory Committee (RAC), has initiated a new effort to support faculty, the Faculty Research Support Fund, provided by the Provost office. The FRSF is now available, through an application process, to support research efforts, where the priority will be given to mid-career faculty or faculty making career shifts in ramping up new research endeavors.

Amount: Up to $3,000 maximum per award.

Total Amount in Fund: $60,000 (up to $45,000 awarded for the initial deadline and remaining funds will be made available on a quarterly basis). 
Upcoming Key Dates:

Proposal Due Dates: December 15, 2021, March 15, 2022, May 15, 2022
Decision Date:   Applicants notified of the decision approximately 45 days from the deadline. 

You can find more information and instructions at the Faculty Research Support Fund link below:

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