Faculty Senate meeting: Monday 03/21/2022 4pm

Dear Colleagues,

The next Faculty Senate meeting will be Monday, March 21 at 4 pm in Zoom.  The agenda packet for the upcoming meeting is attached here including minutes from the last meeting. Please consider attending and/or reviewing the agenda packet and sending feedback to your Faculty Senate representatives.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 961 6092 0770
Passcode: 408063

Referenced Senate documents are also available through myfiles.clarkson.edu and Sarah Treptow is periodically mirroring Faculty Senate documents to Google drive as well.  

Here are some additional links/resources:

Faculty Senate: https://intranet.clarkson.edu/administrative/faculty-senate/

Official Senate submission form (2021-2022): http://tinyurl.com/clarksonsenaterequest

Senate Feedback form: http://tinyurl.com/clarksonsenatefeedback

Faculty Senate documents in myfiles.clarkson.edu

Deans and Provost Council documents in myfiles.clarkson.edu

If you know of anyone who should be added to or removed from the list of folks receiving these Faculty Senate announcements, please let us know.

We hope to see some of you in Zoom on Monday at 4.

Alexander Cohen, Faculty Senate Chair; Bill MacKinnon, Faculty Senate Vice-Chair; Mahesh Banavar, Faculty Senate Secretary

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