Call for Applications: Provost’s Faculty Fellows Program

Now in its second year, Provost’s Faculty Fellows Program offers a unique faculty leadership development experience.  Working with the Office of the Provost, selected Fellows have the opportunity to coordinate a University-wide project and engage with administrative and faculty leaders across the University.

These projects will provide the Provost’s Faculty Fellows with mentoring and insight into higher education administration, as well as help advance institutional goals and strategies related to each of the following areas:

  • Student Achievement
  • Faculty Achievement
  • Assessment
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Institutional Research/Data Governance

Faculty Fellows will begin in July and continue to August of the following year with the opportunity to apply for a second year contingent on progress toward agreed-upon goals/outcomes and overall program needs.

Fellows will receive a $10,000 stipend each summer, as well as a course load reduction per term of the academic year (semester, quarter, or trimester) with funds, returned to the home unit for hiring a replacement adjunct faculty member at the standard rate.

Eligible faculty include tenure, teaching, or clinical track associate or full professors who currently do not hold an administrative position, with the exception of academic program directors and department chairs (who are eligible to apply).

Candidates will be selected based on their contributions to the University, alignment with one of the project areas identified above, demonstrated leadership qualities, and career aspirations.  Selected Provost’s Faculty Fellows will be notified in June and they will begin their appointment on July 1.

The deadline to apply is May 13, 2022. For more information on how to apply visit or email Associate Provost Robinson (

Applicants should submit a single file (Word, PDF, or Google Docs files are all acceptable) via email to Associate Provost for Faculty Achievement Chris Robinson by 5 p.m. on Friday, May 13, 2022.

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