Happy International Transgender Day of Visibility, Clarkson!!

Trans Day of Visibility is an annual awareness day celebrated around the world. The day is dedicated to celebrating the accomplishments of transgender and gender-nonconforming people while raising awareness of the work that still needs to be done to achieve trans justice.

Rachel Crandall, a U.S.-based transgender activist, founded this day in 2009 to raise awareness for the incredible burden of discrimination the community faces in every setting imaginable. “The need to bring a day of ‘visibility’ for the transgender community is indicative of the oppression faced in many sectors of life.” Crandall wanted to highlight the fact that the only transgender-centric day that is internationally recognized is Transgender Day of Remembrance, which is in mourning of members of the community who had lost their lives, and that there was no day to pay homage to living transgender people. 
At Clarkson, there are a number of resources available for students and employees. There are community groups you can join, Restrooms for Everyone located across campus, the Safe Space Program that allows you to locate folks who can serve as a resource/ safe space, and housing options provided by the Residence Life Office. If you would like to be connected with any resources or get more information, please reach out to diversity@clarkson.edu

Sources: GLSEN , LGBT Foundation, & Nationaltoday.com 

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