University of California Berkeley Chemistry Professor Dr. Omar M. Yaghi is listed by Thomas Reuters as “one of the top 5 most impactful chemists worldwide”. We are very pleased that Professor Yaghi has agreed to offer two lectures to the Clarkson community this week. The Smithsonian Institution held an event this past February, Meet Us In the FUTURES: A World for Water. Dr. Yaghi was a participant in this event and this is what the Smithsonian shared about him in their event announcement:
“Omar Yaghi was born to a refugee family and raised in a humble home in Jordan with no electricity or running water. Because Jordan is in a desert climate, access to water from the city where he lived was only allowed once every 2 weeks. Growing up under these conditions made Omar keenly aware of the hardship of water scarcity. At the age of 15 he moved to the United States on his own to study, eventually joining UC-Berkeley in 2012. He pioneered a new field of chemistry that he named Reticular Chemistry and discovered two classes of materials, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and covalent organic frameworks (COFs) that have ultra-high porosity, where one gram has the surface area of an entire football field. This makes them important in areas such as hydrogen storage, carbon capture, and more recently harvesting water from desert air. The rapid growth of reticular chemistry has given rise to one of the biggest expansions of materials in human history and has led to a plethora of new applications.”
Although we could say so much more about Dr. Yaghi’s accomplishments and what his work means for us all, you really don’t need to hear more from us.You need to hear from him!
So join us:

Please register for Thursday’s lecture: It is so easy to register in advance, choose to send the event to your calendar and receive an email reminder.You can also register at the time of the lecture and immediately enter the meeting.
Register for Shipley Distinguished Lecture #1 Thursday, April 7 @ 4:30 pm ET
Shipley Distinguished Lecture #2
Friday, April 8 @3:30 pm ET
Passcode: 810732
Do you want to read more about Professor Yaghi?
Visit his Berkeley Research Lab webpage.
Details are also found here.
Thank you to the Shipley Family Foundation for over 25 years of support for this lectureship series.