If God is so loving, why is there so much evil in the world? On Thursday April 14th at 7pm, the St. Lawrence County Director of Reasonable Faith (reasonablefaith.org), Bob Dale, is joining us in the Student Center Forum. He will be giving a 30 minute presentation on the philosophical question called “The Problem of Evil”. When we see how much pain and suffering exists in our world, it can be hard to understand how there is a loving God who is all-powerful and yet seems to stand-by and let these things happen. How can a God like that be loving? This is a serious challenge for many that deserves a serious explanation addressing both the philosophical and emotional issues raised. After the presentation we will open up a Q&A to any and all who have a question for Mr. Dale. Whether you are a follower of Jesus Christ or simply bothered by this question, or simply curious as to how such a question can be satisfactorily answered, we welcome you to come, listen, and inquire. The answers will address the deep issues involved.