Local Produce for Students

Dear students (who have access to a kitchen), 

If you are looking for a fresh, local, and affordable food option for the fall semester, please consider signing up for a CSA.

Example box from Birdsfoot Farm

Birdsfoot Farm:

Birdsfoot Farm, located south of Canton, has a student CSA option. This involves receiving a box of fresh produce each week throughout the semester. CSA stands for “community supported agriculture.” By purchasing a CSA share you are buying into a farm for a season. This is a great way to support local food and share the risks that a farmer takes on every season.  If there’s a great carrot crop that will be reflected in the box. If there’s a poor garlic crop, you won’t get much garlic. To sign up, reach out directly through the farm’s website or email birdsfootfarm@gmail.com.

Price: $345

Student CSA dates: 8/31 – December 14

Deliveries: Boxes of fresh, local food are delivered weekly on Fridays to a common location in Potsdam (NOTE: if we get at least 6 apartments to purchase a CSA share, then we will have a pickup location right on campus)

What is a CSA?

A CSA is a great way to force yourself to cook in-season produce. I’ve had a positive experience as a CSA member with Birdsfoot. If you like fresh food but can’t afford this then consider splitting a CSA with your housemates. If you have any questions please reach out to me at afrench@clarkson.edu.

Check out this video for more information.

Interested in more local food options?

Check out the Local Food Guide for more local options and information. If you will be on campus over the summer as well, a great option for you might be the Kent Family growers’ CSA who deliver high-quality produce boxes from mid-June to the beginning of November.

Note: Independent students (who are not listed as dependent on someone else’s tax return) have the option to apply for Bonus Bucks to receive the CSA box: https://www.gardenshare.org/node/264

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