Construction Activity You Will See This Summer

Educational Resources Center: As previously announced, beginning Monday, May 16, renovation of the atrium of the ERC will begin. A temporary wall will be installed to separate the construction site from the throughway leading from the TAC to the Student Center. The Library, Career & International Centers, Clarkson Ignite and HelpDesk side of the building will remain open.

Center for Excellence in Communication (CEC) Lab: The CEC lab on the first floor of BHSnell Hall will receive general upgrades and a facelift. Construction to begin May 16.

Science Center Roof: The roof of the Science Center from the CFO office toward BHSnell Hall will be replaced with construction beginning May 23. For the first few days of this project there will be significant construction noise which will taper off later in the week.

Townhouse Apartments: Also slated for this summer, additional insulation will be installed in all Townhouse kitchens to prevent winter freeze-ups, while roof replacement is planned for Townhouse Apartments 4 and 5.

For more information concerning this summer’s campus projects, please contact Ana Thomas at

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