Summer Faculty Workshop: Still Time To Enroll

If you have been thinking about joining RISE, it is NOT too late!! The Teaching & Learning Corner is pleased to welcome a cohort of fifteen participants to the next RISE workshop starting June 20, 2022; just the perfect size for making valuable connections with Clarkson’s instructional community while gaining critical skills to improve online teaching practices. RISE (Reframing Instruction for Success Everywhere) is an eight-week, asynchronous/synchronous facilitated online faculty workshop (no on-campus requirement) at Clarkson. 

RISE Workshop: June 20, 2022 – August 14, 2022
ACT: enroll, community, FAQs and more about this summer’s cohort of RISE.

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RISE builds a supportive community with connections that last long after the workshop ends. Now in its sixth cohort, RISE is a three-time award-winning faculty development online workshop experience that has helped 200 Clarkson faculty gain valuable skills and insights to be applied when designing and delivering quality online courses. 

RISE participants experience learning from the student perspective when you connect with peers for idea sharing, peer-feedback and reflection as you learn applications for Clarkson’s educational technology tool set including Moodle, Zoom, Voicethread, Echo360, H5P and more. 

Improve your own course with RISE Working in your own course, faculty apply methods for improving student communication, implement industry-recommended best practices for online course design, and utilize time-saving student engagement strategies.  

Lessons from RISE benefit all course modalities Whether you are new to teaching, looking to venture into online instruction or simply interested in improving your teaching practice, RISE is a valuable professional development opportunity which offers lessons you can apply immediately in your own course.

RISE is produced and facilitated by Clarkson’s Teaching & Learning Corner team of online learning experts. When you complete RISE, you will receive a certificate of completion, and it is recorded in your Peoplesoft HR training record.

Reach out if you have questions about this program or other faculty support services available to you through the Teaching & Learning Corner.


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