Upcoming 5k for Lawrence Avenue Elementary Supporting Girls on the Run

The elementary school in Potsdam is holding a 5k on June 12th if you are interested–please see the attached flyer and disseminate as appropriate. The run will congratulate the first group of 3rd grade girls completing the Girls on the Run program. Julianne Adegoriolu (DPT ’23) is a coach for the program this spring. Please listen to her radio plug with Jody Tosti on B99.3!

Girls on the Run is primarily a school-hosted, after-school, physical activity-based program designed to enhance girls’ social, psychological, and physical competencies to successfully navigate life experiences. The 8-week program uses running and other physical activities as a platform for promoting holistic health outcomes for girls in grades 3-5. The mission of Girls on the Run is to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy, and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. It is accompanied by a vision and core values that accentuate empowering girls to achieve their goals, stand up for themselves and others, and develop healthy relationship connections.

For more information on Girls on the Run: https://www.gotrupstateny.org/

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