Clarkson Professor Emeritus Named North American Membrane Society Fellow

Ruth Baltus, Professor Emeritus of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Clarkson University recently was honored as a Fellow of the North American Membrane Society (NAMS).

NAMS is a North American professional society that promotes all aspects of membrane science and technology, ranging from fundamental studies of membrane material science to process application and development. NAMS elects two or three fellows each year.

Election as Fellow is made in recognition of both “service to NAMS” and “highly significant professional accomplishment in the membrane field.”  NAMS Fellows have demonstrated long-term excellence in membrane engineering and practice and have been a contributing member of NAMS for at least 10 years.

Baltus served on the Board of Directors of NAMS from 2010 to 2016 and was a co-organizer of the NAMS annual meeting in 2015 held in Boston, MA. She was involved in many NAMS meetings, as a session chair, presenter, workshop instructor, and as a reviewer of travel grant applications. NAMS is an organization that is supportive of graduate student participation and graduate students advised by Dr. Baltus were regular attendees at NAMS meetings.

Dr. Baltus is an internationally recognized expert in membrane science, with research focused on membrane liquid transport from both experimental and theoretical perspectives and on supported ionic liquid membranes for gas separations.

Dr. Baltus joined the faculty at Clarkson in 1983 and retired in 2020. She served as her department chair from 2006 to 2012 and was an elected member of both the University’s tenure and promotions committees. She was the faculty advisor to Clarkson’s student chapter of the Society for Women Engineers from 1991-2001 and was a member of the Faculty Senate Committee on Gender Issues and the University Gender Issues Committee. She has been recognized over the years for her mentoring activities and academic leadership with several local and national awards. Most notably, she was honored by the American Chemical Society in 2019 with its Award for Encouraging Women into Careers in the Chemical Sciences.

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