Dr. Lisa Legault and Research Assistant Jasmine Daly are looking for student volunteers for a Psychology focus group study into why a person might be motivated to be non-prejudiced.
Why might people be motivated to be non-prejudiced or to pursue goals of equality or egalitarianism? We are looking for some volunteers to participate in a small discussion, in groups of 4 participants, to talk about your motivations to be non-prejudiced. So, if you try to be non-prejudiced in your daily life, we want to have a discussion about why. What do you think motivates you to be non-prejudiced? What do you think motivates people, in general, to be non-prejudiced? If you’re interested in being a part of this discussion and helping provide our researchers with a better insight into this subject, please email dalyj@clarkson.edu if you would like to volunteer or have any questions and we will reach out to you.