Fall Class Schedules are now available!


Your fall 2022 class schedules are now available! Schedules were created based on your major, and any advanced placement or transfer credit received to date. To view your schedule, log into myCU (mycu.clarkson.edu) and click on the Schedule link on your Dashboard. Because freshmen schedules are very complex, changes will only be made in extenuating circumstances.

From myCU, you can also see if you have any pending items on your to-do list, and you can view any transfer credit awarded by selecting the Academics drop down on the left and clicking Transfer Credit from its submenu. If you haven’t sent your college transcripts or AP scores yet, you should do so as soon as possible so that your transfer credits can be finalized and any schedule changes can be made before the fall semester begins.

Commonly asked questions: 
1. Why am I enrolled in Engineering and Society (ES110) instead of Physics (PH131)?
Not all STEM students will take physics during their first semester. If you aren’t in physics now, you’ll take it in the spring. This is part of a program that is tailored to the individual student to maximize your chance of academic success. There will be no impact on your expected graduation date – in fact, experience shows that the students selected to delay physics by one semester will have a significantly increased likelihood of staying on schedule.

2. What if my major is wrong?
You can view your major under the Academics tab on the left by selecting “Programs” in myCU. If you see something you don’t expect, contact your admissions counselor to fix it here.  

3. What if I think my schedule is wrong?
Your academic advisor is your first point of contact for all class scheduling questions. Before contacting your advisor, you should: 

Step 1: Check your courses
      Verify your courses against “suggested” courses for your major. Each major publishes          a suggested course curriculum on their webpage, and you can find your major here.

Step 2: Check Your Transfer Credits
      Verify all expected transfer/AP credit has been received and posted.

If you still think something is amiss, and you don’t have an academic advisor assigned in myCU yet, contact the Office of University Advising (oua@clarkson.edu) for assistance from an experienced academic advisor. 

We look forward to seeing you in a few weeks!

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