Convocation Information

2022 Convocation Procession Instructions 

Convocation marks the beginning of a new academic year, a time of transition, reflection and a milestone of celebration. Brought to fruition by the Convocation Committee composed of your colleagues, honoring the Van Sickle Endowed Lecture featuring ReVoiced: About ReVoiced

Fall 2022 Convocation will be held on Friday, August 26th at 4pm in Cheel Arena. Please arrive by 3:30 pm and line up on the sides of the sidewalk down by the loading dock back entrance of Cheel. Students will enter through the Zamboni entrance before faculty, so be ready to cheer them on as they walk through the faculty lines. The Faculty and the Stage Party will process after all of the students have entered Cheel arena.

If you still would like to participate, but have not sent in your RSVP use this link. RSVP here

Procession Preparation – All procession participants are to wear full academic regalia or dress uniform (military personnel).  

If you need supplies (Static Guard, bobby pins, etc.), these items plus a full-length mirror, they will be placed in our Cheel Robing room located on the 2nd floor (Cheel 221). If you missed the regalia rental deadline and need to borrow regalia, email Marcy Bennett at no later than Monday, August 22.

Once you are dressed in your regalia, meet on the sidewalk outside of the Zamboni entrance (Back of Cheel) no later than 3:30 p.m.  You will be lining up in a self-organized fashion (rather than by academic rank).  

Procession Procedures

At 4p.m., an announcement will be made that the procession is beginning. Students will process through the two faculty lines by LLC, with their banners being displayed by each group. You should be clapping and cheering in the student body with their Peer Educators and the Pep Band while they process. 

At the conclusion of the student procession, you will be led out onto the arena floor. The procession will consist of the Color Guard followed by the Grand Marshal (Stephen Bird) then the faculty followed by the stage party with President Christensen in the last position and Provost Ahmadi right in front of President Christensen.

The procession will proceed up towards the stage from the back of the seating to the front corner of seats (stage left) where the faculty will start filling the seats starting with the front row and the stage party will continue on to the block of seats (stage left). Layout attached. Once everyone is in their place, the audience will be asked to rise for the National Anthem.  The Color Guard will present the colors (flags) and the National Anthem will be played. 

Recessional Procedures

At the end of the ceremony the Clarkson University Alma Mater will be played.  The procession participants will then be asked to rise for the recessional.  Grand Marshal will lead the stage party towards the Zamboni door while bagpiper music is played. Once the last stage party member passes the faculty area, the first faculty member in the first row of that section will lead the faculty out of the arena row by row. Once faculty have exited the seating area, Pep Band will play for about 5-7 minutes for faculty handing out shirts to make their way to the lobby. Faculty who are not handing out shirts are encouraged to help direct students up through the stands to the exits.

President Christensen will be handing out shirts on one side of the lobby and Goodarz on the other. The remaining faculty volunteers will file in on either side (8 faculty total, 4 on each side and they are Ken Visser, Art Michalek, Bebonchu Atems, Diego Nocetti, Jehu Mette, Huoyu Jacob Lin, Shafique Chaudhry and Bill MacKinnon). 

If you have any questions, email

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