Welcome and Important Information for Students

Welcome from Vice President Grant and Interim Dean Pearson:

Whether you’re an incoming or returning student, welcome and we look forward to seeing you on campus soon!

We appreciate that you have chosen Clarkson to further your education. There are a number of exciting opportunities which you can get involved within the University community to complement your classroom experiences. As the Vice President for Student Affairs and Interim Dean of Students, we look forward to celebrating your academic and extracurricular accomplishments throughout the year.

When you arrive on campus, know that you have entered a caring community. Alongside our teams, we are dedicated to treating you with dignity and respect, ensuring that all students have equitable access to educational opportunities. In the Office of the Dean of Students, we are committed to promoting your personal and academic growth. Our office is the central contact for a number of resources, including the Clarkson Food Pantry (Potsdam Hill Campus) and Emergency Relief Fund. Our office chairs SafetyNet, a committee of dedicated employees who respond to reports of students falling behind in classes, going through difficult times, or needing some type of resource assistance. Finally, our office oversees the University Regulations, which detail the rights and responsibilities of all Clarkson students. As a Clarkson student, it is expected that you will familiarize yourself with these Regulations. You can view additional information about available resources and related forms on the Dean of Students Intranet page.

We know that the last few years have been challenging for everyone, especially high school and college students. As we look to the future of living with COVID-19, we want to remind you of the University’s expectations for students. You can find various resources and information on the Health Center Intranet page. You can also find COVID-19 information on the University’s COVID Information webpage. Please ensure that you are taking care of yourself and each other by getting adequate sleep, eating healthy, being active, and limiting contact with others when you are ill or have been exposed to illness. In the event that you are seriously ill, hospitalized, experiencing a family emergency, or sensitive circumstances, our office may be able to distribute a Notification of Absence to your professors upon request.

We hope that your year is engaging, memorable, and all that you wish your college experience to be. Please reach out to us at deanofstudents@clarkson.edu if there is anything we can do to assist your experience.


Brian Grant, Vice President for Students Affairs
Kelsey Pearson, Interim Dean of Students
Troy Lassial, Assistant Dean of Students
Vanessa Fernandes, Assistant to the Dean of Students

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