In this communication: 

  • Links for Covid-19 Information by campus
  • NYS Department of Health & Local Public Health Information and Directives
  • Your vaccine submission
  • What to do if you test positive
  • Quarantine/isolation information
  • More information and questions

New York State and St. Lawrence County Public Health Directives and Information

Clarkson continues to follow the guidance, information and directives from the New York State Department of Health and St. Lawrence County Public Health regarding COVID-19 protocols for responding to symptoms of COVID-19, positive test results and known exposure to persons who have COVID-19.  As persons who live, work and/or study in New York, all of us are responsible for being familiar with these resources and staying informed.

In the North Country where our main campus is located, representatives from each institution in the Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley are planning to continue to coordinate their responses with health experts from St. Lawrence County Public Health, the St. Lawrence County Board of Health, and the St. Lawrence Health System that manages Canton-Potsdam Hospital and Clarkson’s Student Health and Counseling Center.

As a member of the Clarkson community, here are some quick links and Clarkson specific requirements to refer to for submitting your vaccination status and what to do if you have symptoms of COVID-19, test positive or have been exposed to someone who has reported to you that they have been in close proximity to you prior to their positive test result.

  • COVID-19 Vaccination Submission: If you have not already done so, students are required to submit proof of COVID-19 vaccination and booster (when eligible) to the University through Medicat. For submission instructions, please visit the Health Center Intranet page.Students may contact the Student Health and Counseling Center to request religious or medical exemption from COVID-19 or other required vaccinations.
  • Testing Resources:  If you experience any COVID-19 symptoms, you are encouraged to take a COVID-19 test. You may take an at-home test, schedule an appointment at the Student Health and Counseling Center (315-268-6633), or schedule a test in the local community

  • Positive COVID-19 Test Result: If you test positive for COVID-19, you must comply with all New York State isolation directives.

    For Clarkson purposes, you are required to do the following:
    • Immediately begin your isolation period at an off-campus location and do not attend classes/activities. We encourage everyone to make a plan now in advance of a possible positive test result and determine if you will return to your home, stay with a relative or need to identify an alternative place, such as a hotel during your isolation period.  Clarkson has limited isolation housing available for those who can’t leave due to travel distances. 
    • Report your positive test to the Student Health and Counseling Center.
    • Visit the St Lawrence County Public Health website to report a positive at-home test or to obtain an isolation order.
    • Notify your instructors that you will not be in class.  If it comes to the attention of the Dean of Students that you are unable to communicate with your faculty, the University will notify your instructors about your absences.
    • Notify close contacts that you tested positive for COVID-19.
  • Notice of Exposure to a Person with COVID-19 Refer to the New York State quarantine directives for the circumstances on when you have to monitor health and/or when you should quarantine.

    For Clarkson purposes, do the following:
    • If you are identified as someone who should quarantine based on the NYS quarantine directives, you need to do this at an off-campus location. Please plan in advance if you will return to your home, stay with a relative or need to identify an alternative place, such as a hotel.  There is limited quarantine housing available for those who can’t leave due to travel distances.  Visit the St Lawrence County Public Health website to obtain a quarantine order.
    • Notify your instructors that you will not be in class.
    • Note that you do not need to report your quarantine to Student Health and Counseling.

Mask Supportive Community

The University will continue to support those individuals who choose to wear a mask within the Clarkson community.  

Please bring masks with you to campus:  Students will be expected to comply with a request from a faculty or staff member wearing a mask and who posts on their office door that they request visitors to wear a mask when meeting with them in their office.

Per New York State directives, masks are required to be worn in our Student Health & Counseling Center.  

Persons using the College Connector Transportation system (a bus service contracted with the County that goes to each college campus and popular shopping/entertainment venues in Potsdam and Canton) and other public transportation are also still required to wear a mask per current New York State directives.  

There are currently no mask mandates in public spaces, including classrooms. Any updates to this practice will be based upon local public health or New York State directives.

Looking Forward

The University COVID-19 Response Team and University Student Health Center, under the direction of St. Lawrence Health System, will continue to meet regularly with local public health representatives and manage the institution’s COVID-19 response based on current trends in each county, region and the state as well as any new directives.  Please refer to the Health Center Intranet page for resources and information. If you have any questions related to COVID-19, please contact the Student Health and Counseling Center or visit the Health Center Intranet page.

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