Honors Program Newsletter: August 2022

Our Honors students are proving themselves leaders inside and outside the classroom. Over the past year, our students weathered the waning pandemic even as they learned, grew and made our Clarkson community a better place.

Kristen Goebel ’22, recipient of the Levinus Clarkson Award, and Autumn Lennon ’22, recipient of the Frederica Clarkson Award, were joined by 31 of their fellow Honors students crossing the stage on graduation day in May. We honor them and all of their accomplishments as they move on to the next stage of their lives. Clarkson Honors continues to positively impact the community. 

Abigail Kienzle ’23 won a prestigious fellowship with the American Concrete Institute that recognizes her innovative work on alternative sustainable cements. She is an example of someone who has taken to heart the Clarkson Honors Program’s emphasis on research and engagement. We’re excited to see the results of her endeavors as she continues to develop her research in her Honors capstone. 

Clarkson Honors students engage in extracurriculars as well. Ben Ellis ’24, a rising junior in Honors, is now president of the Clarkson Rocketry Club and has overseen the expansion of the club, connecting more students with aerospace engineering, even while they launch a whole lot of rockets. Ben’s passion shows how Honors students use their knowledge to open up worlds for others. 

And, finally, we’re very excited to welcome Dr. Golshan Madraki as the new associate director of Honors. A committed teacher and researcher, we know she’s going to fit right in! 

Thanks to all of you, as well, for continuing to check in with us in Honors. We’re launching some new courses this upcoming year, welcoming new students and building on the fantastic contributions of our Honors community. We look forward to seeing what our students and faculty accomplish this coming year and to sharing it all with you.

— Kate Krueger, Director of Honors/Professor of Literature

New Associate Director

We are very excited to welcome our new associate director, Professor Golshan Madraki! While she has been busy performing innovative research during her tenure in the Reh School, she has also greatly impacted our students. In fact, in a stamp of Honors approval, our students awarded her the 2021 Kristen Craig Memorial Faculty Recognition Award.

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Honors Students Shine

It’s no surprise to us that the top two awards given to the 2022 graduating class went to Honors students. Kristen Goebel ’22 and Autumn Lennon ’22 respectively received the Levinus Clarkson and Frederica Clarkson awards, which are awarded by faculty vote. They are both incredibly talented young people, and we wish them the very best!

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Concrete Superstar

The American Concrete Institute (ACI) Foundation has a new fellow for their Concrete Practitioner Fellowship. Honors student Abigail Kienzle ’23, a superstar in sustainable cement research, received the fellowship, and with it, a stipend and opportunities to attend ACI conventions and work with an industry mentor. 

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It Is Rocket Science!

Clarkson Rocketry

Led by club president and Honors student Benjamin Ellis ’24, the Rocketry Club propelled itself to great heights this spring, resulting in Level 1 High Powered Rocketry Certification for seven of the aspiring rocketeers. While the club complements Clarkson’s new aerospace engineering program, Ellis hopes to spread the rocket love to anyone who is interested.

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