Writing Center Soft Opening–Now through Sept. 16

To see what appointment slots are available through this soft opening until Sept 16, please check our appointment calendar through the QR code to the left or at this link: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/selfsched?sstoken=UUFJLTBMRkhfRndufGRlZmF1bHR8ZmJlN2Y3ZWNiYjYwZmQ4NzQzZDdhOTM4ZTM1NzFlZDI

Next week Sept 5-8, Writing Center staff will be participating in Resumania in the ERC from 10-2, Mon-Th.  A few appointment slots will be available in the later afternoons in the Writing Center and on Friday that week. 

Appointments are available during the week of Career Fair, Sept 12-15.  You are welcome to practice interview skills with us!

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