Clarkson Civil Engineering Students Awarded National Engineering Scholarships

Clarkson University senior civil engineering majors Seth D. Anderson and Robert Schneider have been awarded national American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) scholarships. They are only two of 16 scholarships awarded by the society each year.

Left to Right: Seth D. Anderson and Robert Schneider

Anderson received the Eugene C. Figg, Jr. Civil Engineering Scholarship, established in 2002 by the employees of Figg Engineering Group as a memorial to Eugene C. Figg, Jr., F.ASCE, winner of the ASCE 2002 OPAL Award for Design. Figg dedicated his career, company, and life to creating “bridges as art.” The scholarship aims to further the education of a worthy student interested in bridge design and construction.

When Anderson graduates in the spring, he’ll begin his career working for TRC Companies on the West Coast designing substations and transmission lines. Over the summer Anderson attended the ASCE Construction Institute Student Days competition where he was selected as a Project Manager and received “Best Speaker” for his respective team. Anderson is a Senior Advisor for the ASCE/AISC SPEED Steel Bridge Team and will be joining the ASC Estimating/Schedule team for his final year.

Robert Schneider was awarded the B. Charles Tiney Memorial ASCE Student Chapter Scholarship. This scholarship was established by Mrs. Hazel M. Tiney as a memorial to B. Charles Tiney, M.ASCE in 1980. The proceeds of the memorial fund are for tuition assistance to needy and deserving college students who are studying in the field of engineering. 

When Schneider graduates in the spring, he plans to pursue a career in the heavy civil construction industry with Kokosing Construction. Schneider has led both the Concrete Canoe and ASC Estimating/Schedule teams during his undergrad.

“The American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE) has 409 Student Chapters in all fifty states as well as in a number of foreign countries. The awarding of two of these highly competitive scholarships, only sixteen are given annually, to Clarkson students reflects on the high quality of the students that our undergraduate programs here attract. Seth and Robert have excelled both inside and outside of the classroom,” said Prof. Steve Wojtkiewicz, Chair of the Clarkson Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

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