Introduction to Aikido Bokken (Wooden Sword) Practice class starting Sunday, September 11th

Introduction to Aikido Bokken (Wooden Sword) Practice class starting Sunday, September 11th, 4-5 pm and continuing through the semester on Sundays. Aikido, ‘The Way of Harmony’, is a martial art that teaches participants how to respond to conflict without resorting to force or more conflict. While most of Aikido practice is open-hand, practice with bokken (wooden sword) retains Aikido’s emphasis on collaboration, focus and fun. This is a good way to learn about Aikido while maintaining COVID precautions. No prior martial arts experience needed, and the Aikido Club has some extra bokken to loan students for class.  Students, faculty and staff are all welcome, but class size is limited. Contact Cameron at to pre-register if you are interested.

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