Graduate Writing Center starting a Writing Group

The Graduate Writing Center will be offering a writing group on Fridays in person and on zoom.  In person, we’ll be in Rowley 142 computer lab.

You are not required to sign up or register unless you need a zoom link.  If you’d like to zoom in, please email

The Writing Group is an opportunity for you to suffer with and inspire each other.  The task is simply to work on the proposals, papers, articles and theses that you are writing anyway.  Somehow it is easier to be productive when you are working in a group.  We will be using the Pomodoro method (meaning apple timer!).  Come to find out more about it.

The Writing Group is not about workshops, although we are happy to offer workshops at some other time.  The Writing Group is not about having anyone critique your work, although you can make an appointment with the Writing Center for that too.

If you write for two hours on Friday, you might feel more able to relax a bit on the weekend, so you’ll be more productive on Monday.

The Director of the Writing Centers, Catherine Sajna, will be at the Writing Group.  If you have any questions, you can email her at

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