Clarkson President to Share Innovative Ideas on Future of Higher Education at CFES Brilliant Pathways Global Conference

The accelerated pace of change in higher education has forced leaders to reimagine every aspect of the college experience to meet the needs of a new generation. CFES Brilliant Pathways is bringing together Clarkson University President Marc P. Christensen, Ph.D., P.E. and three college presidents from distinctly different institutions to share innovative ideas and plans at its 2022 “New Beginning” Global Conference on Nov. 7-8.

Many colleges and universities were struggling to attract and retain students long before COVID-19 forced a record drop in enrollment. The pandemic exacerbated these issues, forcing institutions to adopt new models with a focus on career-ready education, virtual opportunities, and private sector partnerships to provide internships and jobs after graduation.

“This is a unique opportunity to learn from leaders at four very different institutions about what’s happening in higher education and how educators, students and families can prepare for success,” said CFES President and CEO Rick Dalton.  

Presidents on the “New Frontiers in Higher Education,” panel bring over 100 years of combined higher education and private sector experience, and include Nicholas Hunt-Bull of Paul Smith’s College, Kristine Duffy of SUNY Adirondack, Parwinder Grewal of Vermont State University, and Marc P. Christensen of Clarkson University.

Duffy had extensive higher education experience before taking over at SUNY Adirondack in 2013. She expanded the offerings of the small, multi-campus, community college of 6,000 students in degree, certificate and short-term training opportunities, based heavily on data-informed decisions.   

Hunt-Bull was named president in 2022 at the private, not-for-profit residential college known for its culinary, hospitality, forestry and natural sciences programs. He came to Paul Smith’s in 2015 to oversee the addition of new programs in psychology, disaster management, and integrated programs in business. 

Grewal was named president of newly created Vermont State University, comprising Castleton University, Northern Vermont University, and Vermont Technical College, in 2022. He served previously in leadership roles at the newly created University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, the University of Tennessee and The Ohio State.

Christensen was named President of Clarkson University in July of 2022 after a distinguished career at Southern Methodist University. He served as dean of SMU’s Lyle School of Engineering and is an expert in photonics research and technology development and other microsystems research.

The 31st CFES Brilliant Pathways Global Conference brings over 3,000 virtual participants and 300 on-site participants to discover new strategies for student and workforce development at the Sagamore Resort on Lake George (NY). The New Beginnings conference will provide leaders in education, business, community, and philanthropy with the skills, information, and support they need to promote student success in a new college and career readiness paradigm.

Click here for information on the CFES Brilliant Pathways Conference.

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