December Recognition Ceremony-This Saturday

This year’s December Recognition Ceremony is this Saturday, December 17 at 11am.

The December Recognition Ceremony is for students who have completed all of their coursework towards earning a Clarkson degree and who do not currently plan to return for Commencement in May or June. 

All faculty and staff are welcome to attend.  No RSVP necessary for faculty and staff.

Please note regalia is not required for Faculty.Due to the fragileness of the IRC floor, Heels are not permitted for this event.

DATE: Saturday, December 17, 2022

EVENT LOCATION: Andrew M. Schuler Indoor Recreation Center (IRC) 

TIME:  10-10:55 a.m. Coffee Hour during Student Check-In

11 a.m. The December Recognition Ceremony begins (lasts approximately 1 hour).

More information about the ceremony can be found here.


Email or call 315-268-2189,

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