High Performance Computing Avail at Clarkson

Clarkson Faculty Researchers: Grow your research without growing your budget. ACRES is your resource for High Performance Computing (HPC) without the demands of purchasing or maintaining your own expensive computing environment. Look to ACRES for research computing solutions, contact helpdesk@clarkson.edu for options and account activation.

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About ACRES:

ACRES (Accelerating Computational Research for Engineering and Science) is a High-Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster owned and operated by Clarkson University. ACRES is designed to support data and computationally intensive projects aligned with Clarkson’s four interdisciplinary research themes: Data Analytics, Healthy World Solutions, Advanced Materials Development, and Next Generation Healthcare. 

ACRES features thousands of CPU cores available at no cost for departmental or sponsored research. This environment ensures great efficiency in computing capability and performance that only large scale HPC systems can offer, including:

  • High-Performance Input/Output Infrastructure, 
  • Large Volume of Storage,
  • Wide Variety of Hardware Configurations, 
  • Centralized System Administration and Management provided by the Office of Information Technology (OIT).
  • More ACRES features below.

ACRES Spotlights: 

ACRES is a key partner in many research initiatives underway at Clarkson. Read examples spotlighted below:

Assistant Professor of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Ian McCrum and his undergraduate students turn to ACRES for performing quantum chemistry modeling using density functional theory (DFT) of catalysis and electrochemistry. They rely on ACRES computational resources to perform more simulations in less time, and they appreciate the flexibility of generating preliminary data in small batches for quicker turnarounds when preparing research proposals. 

Dr. McCrum shares “OIT’s active management of ACRES means that I or my students do not need to spend time maintaining a cluster (which would include purchasing hardware/software on a regular basis), setting up user accounts, or compiling software; OIT has been quick to do this for us. Their management also allows us to access ACRES securely from any internet connection; we do not need to be on campus or in the lab. I would highly recommend anyone who is currently or is considering performing computational research to take advantage of what ACRES has to offer.”

ACRES is useful to Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Marcias Martinez Marcias Martinez, Ph.D., and his team as they model complex structural engineering problems for industry and federal sponsors. These models include simulations that range from structural failure to optimization of structural components. They use simulation tools in combination with experimental mechanics techniques to validate newly developed mathematical models.

Dr. Martinez explains, “The ACRES cluster has been instrumental in being able to make use of the latest generation of computer hardware to obtain the sought-out results. As principal investigator of the HolSIP Lab at Clarkson University, I am assured that ACRES provides the flexibility to use either the general or private computing queues accessible to us. It also provides us an ability to acquire and add on additional computing nodes as my team and I obtain additional funding. This flexibility provides the best of both worlds, in providing the HolSIP team the flexibility and benefits to continue performing the fundamental and applied research studies for the benefit of our sponsor and society in general.”

We love to share your success. If you wish to have your ACRES research partnership spotlighted in a future communication, please contact lperry@clarkson.edu.

ACRES Features:

  • Data center hosting, including backup power and cooling
  • Connection to high-performance network backbone
  • Community access to shared-nodes
  • Background access to any unused owner-nodes
  • Access to high-performance scratch disk space
  • Remote access to system configuration and administration
  • Option available to buy-in and own your own nodes
  • ACRES-dedicated staff available to support research-computing endeavors
  • Standard software stack, appropriate for a range of research needs

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