Time is Running Out to Apply for the Bill Cotter ‘73 Sponsored Media Prize!

With co-curricular media at Clarkson in mind, the Bill Cotter ‘73 Sponsored Media Prize was established by Clarkson alumnus, Bill Cotter ‘73. This award seeks to recognize a Clarkson undergraduate student who has made outstanding contributions to one or more Clarkson co-curricular media organizations. This includes but is not limited to the Clarkson radio, television, yearbook, photography, video, social media, etc.

During his time as a student at Clarkson, Bill Cotter ‘73 was a member of the WNTC/WTSC radio station and the Clarksonian yearbook staff. With an appreciation of the opportunities these media groups provided him, Mr. Cotter established this award with the goal to support future students who are engaged in media organizations at Clarkson. The recipient will receive $500.00. 

Interested students must:

  • be actively involved in one or more Clarkson co-curricular media activities/organizations; and
  • be an undergraduate student; and
  • have at least a 2.5 GPA

Applications must include the following: 

  • student’s resumè of Clarkson media activities or membership in media organizations and;
  • a cover letter with an explanation of personal media-related background and interests

Applications must be submitted to the Office of the Dean of Students via email at deanofstudents@clarkson.edu no later than Wednesday, February 8, 2023.

The Office of the President will contact the award recipient in the middle of the semester. The award will be presented during the Celebration & Recognition of Excellence Weekend (CREW) at the Recognition & Phalanx Ceremony on April 15, 2023. Candidates who were not selected will be contacted by the Office of the Dean of Students. Questions regarding this award should be directed to the Office of the Dean of Students at deanofstudents@clarkson.edu or 315/268-6620.

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