Beginning Aikido Bokken Classes

The Clarkson Aikido Club invites you to join us for beginning bokken (wooden sword) classes.  The first class will be 1/28/23 from 4-5pm in the aerobics room.

We require masks due to the close proximity we will be in.

For more information about the Aikido Club, contact Cameron at

Aikido, ‘The Way of Harmony’, is a martial art that teaches participants
how to respond to conflict without resorting to force or more conflict; it
teaches the strength to choose peace and harmony. Aikido develops
body, mind and spirit and enhances fitness, grace and calm. While most
of Aikido practice is open-hand, practice with bokken (wooden sword)
retains Aikido’s emphasis on collaboration, focus, and fun. No prior
martial arts experience needed, and the Aikido Club has some extra
bokken to loan students for class.

Weekly Beginners’ classes in the Aerobics room, Sundays, 4-5 pm.
Japanese sword classes, Saturday 4-5 pm
Free to Clarkson students/staff; $5 fee for others.

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