Provost’s Newsletter: January 2023

Message From the Provost

Head shot of Interim Provost Goodarz Ahmadi

Here at Clarkson, we welcome the New Year with hope for an exciting and productive year ahead, as well as with gratitude for the people and opportunities that made the last year so meaningful. I am thankful to our Clarkson community for their tremendous efforts and successes in a challenging year, and I would like to highlight samples of their achievements. For example, the Lewis School was recognized as the 2022 Outstanding Rural Health Program of the Year, and our mechanical and aerospace colleagues received an Office of Naval Research DURIP grant. An assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry & Biomolecular Sciences received a major grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, while Reh School faculty reported many scholarly achievements. One point of pride for Clarkson is our alum Mike Sarafin ’94, who has served as manager of the Artemis I Mission that launched on November 16, 2022. I hope you experience similar successes in the upcoming year and wish you a wonderful New Year. 

— Goodarz Ahmadi, Interim Provost / Clarkson Distinguished Professor / Robert H. Hill Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Rural Health Program Rewarded

Golden Knights work hard. And when those efforts are recognized, it feels pretty rewarding. In November, the New York State Association of Rural Health named Clarkson’s Lewis School of Health Sciences the 2022 Outstanding Rural Health Program of the Year for its regional and statewide impact on the rural healthcare workforce. It’s a fitting reward for countless hours of effort. READ MORE

$1.4 M Grant Awarded

Two professors in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering recently won a $1.43 million grant from the Office of Naval Research’s Defense University Research Instrumentation Program. This grant will allow a number of labs and centers on campus to acquire advanced materials testing equipment, the uses of which will be invaluable. READ MORE

Research Boosted

Professor Ka Ho Leung is interested in shedding light on organellar chloride in biological processes by using chloride ion imaging — a research project that just got a boost, thanks to a $1.8 million grant from the NIH’s Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award. Not only will this funding help Leung, but it will also provide research opportunities for our students. READ MORE

Reh School and Chill

Long winter evenings are perfect for snuggling up on the couch with a hot drink and some good reading. And we have some suggestions. Why not check out some of the cutting-edge research that faculty in the Reh School of Business have been working on this past year? Here’s a reading list of project highlights from 2022. READ MORE

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