How to connect a student to WellConnect

Almost by definition, those in education are in helping relationships with students. This can make it very difficult to walk the line in maintaining appropriate boundaries, but it’s in everyone’s interest. When your compassion turns into dependency it may be time to take a step back and ask for help.

How does this paradigm start?
It begins with mutual trust between a student and the instructor
The student will give the instructor his or her attention, vulnerability, acceptance and the instructor give the student time, expertise, care and attention
The student starts to open their lives to the instructor and being a caring person, the instructor listens and may even give a logical piece of advice

Here is where the potential for an uncomfortable relationship may begin and dual relationship issues can arise. At this point, the instructor has a responsibility to help the student find an appropriate connection that can help the student sort out his or her concerns. This is also the hardest part for the instructor because the instructor:
May feel personally responsible
Can feel connected with the student
Does not see the harm in helping the student
Believes calling WellConnect takes time and could be seen as being judgmental
Sees WellConnect reserved for people in crisis

So, what do you do if a student says, “I’m only comfortable talking to you?” If this or a comment like it has come up when trying to support the student
First, own the fact that the student is connected to you
Explain to the student how this connection has come to a point where your expertise is not enough to help solve the problem
Next, explain all the services WellConnect has to offer them for free
Provide the student the WellConnect phone number (866-640-4777) and encourage them to call

Reestablishing boundaries or limits with anyone can be difficult. It may be one of the most important actions an instructor can take in the life of a student. The best way to help a student is to evaluate your strengths and know when to ask for outside help.

Examples of WellConnect triaging:
“Thank you for sharing with me some of the challenges that you are dealing with, I’m sure it was not easy to share. Unfortunately, I don’t have the expertise to assist you with these types of personal issues, but we do have free, confidential and comprehensive support service that’s a one stop shop for all of your student support needs.”
“I’m concerned with some of the changes in your study habits and/or participation and want to make sure you are aware of our student support assistance in case you are dealing with some personal issues.”
“I’ve noticed you’ve appeared to be having some difficulties. I want to get you to some trained professionals that specialize in working with students to address any challenges that create barriers to academic success, and I want to support you as best I can.”
“I’m not sure if you’re struggling with anything but are you aware we have a free and confidential service that can assist you.”

We want to support you in the best way we can. Don’t forget you can take advantage of the school’s free, confidential and comprehensive student support services. Call WellConnect at 866-640-4777 and you’ll be supported by an experienced professional that will support you 24/7.

WellConnect provides confidential consultations with a licensed professional for faculty and staff regarding student-related concerns. If a student comes to you with a situation and you’re not sure what to say, please call our 24/7 FAST-Line at 844-208-7070. The FAST (Faculty Administrator Support Team) Line can be a valuable resource for navigating complex, sensitive or high-risk student situations. Our counselors will consult with you on the situation and help you develop a plan to assist the student.

Working collaboratively, we can help students achieve their personal, educational and career goals.
WellConnect provides confidential consultations with a licensed professional for faculty and staff regarding student problems or concerns. In addition, our team is available to discuss behavioral and classroom management issues. If a student comes to you with a situation and you’re not sure what to say, please call our 24/7 FAST-Line at 844-208-7070. The FAST (Faculty Administrator Support Team) Line can be a valuable resource for navigating complex, sensitive or high-risk student situations. Our counselors will consult with you on the situation and help you develop a plan to assist the student. Of course, you can give the student the WellConnect student number, 866-640-4777, and encourage them to call, or even dial the number and hand the student the phone in a location where they will have privacy while talking to a WellConnect counselor. Working collaboratively, we can help students achieve their personal, educational and career goals.

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