Trivia Night at Ebens Hearth Restaurant loaded with prizes for the top 3 teams as well as raffle prizes

Trivia Night will be taking place on Wednesday, March 8, 2023 at 7:00 pm. We will meet at Ebens Hearth Restaurant and it’s co-hosted by the Sami Kick Cancer Foundation and Sigma Phi Epsilon. A lit lightbulb is located in the middle of the flier. It will cost $10 to play trivia and $5 to play trivia with a Clarkson ID. Raffle tickets start at $5. Prizes include a snowboard, grill, $50 Ebens gift cards, movie tickets, merchandise baskets, and more. All proceeds will go directly to the Sami Kick Cancer Foundation. The contact to sign up for trivia is

The Sami Kick Cancer Foundation and Sigma Phi Epsilon will be co-hosting a trivia night at Ebens Hearth Restaurant on March 8 at 7:00 pm. All Clarkson students, staff, and faculty are welcome and invited to attend. The price of admission for trivia is $10 per person or $5 per person with a valid Clarkson ID. Teams are encouraged ranging from 2 people to a maximum of 6 people. Be sure to come up with a team name before the event. The top 3 teams in trivia will win either a $50 Eben’s gift certificate and movie passes, a Sami Kick Cancer merchandise basket loaded with a half gallon of fresh maple syrup, or a Leberge and Curtis merchandise basket. In addition, there will be 2 raffles: a snowboard and a portable grill. Raffle tickets start at $5. Sami Kick Cancer will accept cash, venmo: helpsamikickcancer, paypal:, or checks mailed to 185 Wilkinson Road, Potsdam, NY, 13676.

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