The Sami Kick Cancer Foundation and Sigma Phi Epsilon will be co-hosting a trivia night at Ebens Hearth Restaurant on March 8 at 7:00 pm. All Clarkson students, staff, and faculty are welcome and invited to attend. The price of admission for trivia is $10 per person or $5 per person with a valid Clarkson ID. Teams are encouraged ranging from 2 people to a maximum of 6 people. Be sure to come up with a team name before the event. The top 3 teams in trivia will win either a $50 Eben’s gift certificate and movie passes, a Sami Kick Cancer merchandise basket loaded with a half gallon of fresh maple syrup, or a Leberge and Curtis merchandise basket. In addition, there will be 2 raffles: a snowboard and a portable grill. Raffle tickets start at $5. Sami Kick Cancer will accept cash, venmo: helpsamikickcancer, paypal: helpsamikickcancer.org, or checks mailed to 185 Wilkinson Road, Potsdam, NY, 13676.