Spring is around the corner…does your life need some “deep cleaning”?

Every so often a deep cleaning may be warranted and can improve not only your physical living space, but your mental space as well. A cluttered, messy physical space can contribute to anxiety, stress, and an overall feeling of disarray.

Here are some tips to help you through the process of cleaning your environment for a clear head.

Donate Items You No Longer Use

Items you don’t use contribute to clutter and collect dust, but they could be useful to someone else. If you no longer need or use something, it’s time to pass it on. Drop off the items in the box to a local charity or thrift store once a month or whenever a box gets full. Decluttering your physical space not only makes it easier to keep the space clean, but you’ll also notice the positive impact the process can have on your mental state as well.

Clean Out Your Closet on a Regular Basis

At least once or twice a year, go through your closet and donate any clothes you haven’t worn in a while. This frees up space and creates less indecision about what to wear. After a proper clean out, you might notice clothing items you had forgotten about or find that you have more storage space for items that you’d rather tuck out of sight.

Develop a Cleaning Routine

Keep track of household chores that need to be done on a regular basis, such as dishes, laundry, vacuuming, mopping, and dusting. Develop a daily, weekly, monthly, and even yearly routine. Assign jobs to roommates or family members so everyone pitches in. Prioritize what needs to get done, such as doing the dishes and a load of laundry.

Clean Up Your Emotional Space

Once you’ve tidied up your physical space, evaluate the state of your emotional space as well. If you tend to hyperfocus or dwell on the negative in situations, reorient yourself to be grateful for the good things in your life. Both meditation and exercise are effective tools to help clear your mind and make room for more positive mental energy.

Don’t let your mind become like a browser with too many tabs open. By prioritizing, learning to let things go, and realizing you can only control so much, you can lighten your mental load and enjoy each day more thoroughly.

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