The “Aquatic Sciences, Engineering, and Technology (ASET) Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)” program at Clarkson University (CU) is a 10-week immersive research experience serving ten (10) undergraduates per year. Our program renewal proposal was just awarded funding by NSF, thus we are announcing our summer 2023 program and opening our application portal. ASET-REU interns will have opportunities to conduct research in a range of disciplines organized in broad categories of 1) Aquatic Natural Sciences, 2) Aquatic Sustainability Sciences, and 3) Aquatic Resource Engineering. ASET will focus on the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River watershed environmental research. The program includes a programmatic emphasis on Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River with the community of Akwesasne (St. Regis Mohawk Tribe).
Our program outcomes are to 1) develop a Scholar’s research experience; 2) develop a diverse, supportive, and inclusive learning community; 3) strengthen Scholars’ skills to create and evaluate communication products; 4) foster Scholars’ evaluation of the ethical and legal aspects in research; 5) validate the Scholars’ academic path and facilitate degree completion in a STEM-related field; and 6) encourage Scholars to choose a career in STEM in aquatics. This award is supported by the Directorate of Biological Sciences and the Division of Ocean Sciences.
● Program Dates: Monday 22 May through Friday 28 July 2023 (Arrive Monday 5/22; Leave Friday 7/28) ● Research Topics: Aquatic Natural Sciences, Aquatic Sustainability Sciences, and Aquatic Resource Engineering, Environmental Monitoring, Smart Devices and Sensors for Water Management, Emerging Contaminants Remediation and Wastewater Treatment
● Location: Clarkson University, Potsdam, New York
● Financial Package: Participants will receive 1) a $6000 stipend, 2) 1 round trip airfare to and from airport (we book and pay), 3) transportation to and from airport to Potsdam, and 4) and on-campus housing (2-4 bedrooms per apartment; limited single bedrooms) with a common apartment kitchenette for the 10-week period. Note: at this time there is no summer food services on campus, thus students are expected to prepare/arrange their own meals. ● Eligibility: Applicants must:
o be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or an eligible non-citizen (i.e. U.S. national or Jay Treaty of 1789)
o be enrolled in college for the fall 2023 (i.e. students who will graduate by June 2023 are not eligible), o have successfully completed an introductory major course/course sequence (e.g., biology, chemistry, ecology, engineering, environmental sciences/studies/policy/sustainability, evolution, physics, etc.),
o be willing to live in on-campus housing apartments, and
o be able to participate in the program full-time (e.g., 40 hrs. / week, including nights, weekends) ● Students who belong to underrepresented groups in the sciences and engineering, who are veterans, who are disabled, or who are early (rising sophomores or juniors) in their undergraduate coursework are especially encouraged to apply ● Application deadline: Friday, March 24, 2023 at 11:59 Eastern U.S.; or until positions are filled ● Anticipated First-Round Offers: Friday, April 7, 2023
● Information and Online Application: ● Contact for Questions: Dr. Abul Baki, ASET-REU Director and Principal Investigator; Phone: 315-268-4156 or email: or

The ASET-REU is dedicated to providing an inclusive and collaborative program
and community. ASET-REU scholars will be diverse in perspective, discipline,
and demographics with intentional recruitment from a variety of institution types,
grade levels, and disciplines/sub-disciplines. Scholars will develop a diverse
background and interdisciplinary network, foster an understanding of research,
create strong relationships with mentors and peers, and acquire experiences in all
aspects of “doing research”, motivating them toward and positioning them for a
STEM career.