Duo Added to Remote Desktop

Overview: Find below details of a recent update impacting individuals using Remote Desktop. The Office of Information Technology recently updated Remote Desktop to include the Duo prompt. The staged rollout of this feature begins March 21, 2023.

What is this about? Individuals using Remote Desktop to connect to their personal computer from another device will now be prompted to complete a Duo two factor authentication when establishing a session. When you launch the Remote Desktop application, enter your user name and password, then you will be prompted to complete Duo (complete instructions) to begin your remote desktop session. 

Why this update? Duo, the two-factor authentication service used at Clarkson, increases the security of our information network. Duo is the same service used by our community members when accessing many other information tools at Clarkson. 

Contact: OIT is available if you need help with Remote Desktop or Duo two-factor authentication.  If you have any questions or other ideas about protecting Clarkson’s resources, please contact the IT HelpDesk, helpdesk@clarkson.edu or 315.268.4357.

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