CUPO, HEOP, and SSS is sponsoring a very exciting speaker opportunity for students across campus.

The Wests, authors of Debt Free at 33, are visiting Clarkson IN PERSON on April 10th at 6pm in the Cheel Barbens Room!
During their talks, the Wests teach important financial life skills everyone wishes we learned in school; FAFSA, credit score information, credit card navigation, loan understanding, and more. They are really funny, knowledgeable, approachable, and make learning about finances easy to understand.
To make this even better, CUPO, HEOP, SSS, and the Wests are supplying event prizes through raffles. Prize opportunities include gift cards, Apple air tags, and an OCULUS! There will also be free food on a first come, first served basis.
If you have any questions, please email