Welcome to the March edition of the STEM LEAF/ADVANCE Newsletter!
Clarkson’s NSF ADVANCE grant is designed
1) to effect positive institutional change around reduction of implicit or unintentional bias associated with gender and intersectional issues of race, ethnicity, country of origin, sexual orientation, and disability,
2) to systematically and equitably support the development of inclusive leadership skills and the professional advancement of women STEM faculty, and
3) to implement sustainable, systematic changes across the University in support of these goals.
“Diversity Statements Are Under Fire. Here’s What They Are and How They’re Used.” by Megan Zahneis in The Chronicle
“Several states are taking aim at the use of diversity statements in hiring. Recently introduced legislation in Missouri would block their use, and last month the University of North Carolina system’s Board of Governors banned “compelled speech” for prospective students and employees.”
The Enduring Grip of the Gender Pay Gap by Rakesh Kochhar in Pew Research Center
“The gender pay gap – the difference between the earnings of men and women – has barely closed in the United States in the past two decades. In 2022, American women typically earned 82 cents for every dollar earned by men. That was about the same as in 2002, when they earned 80 cents to the dollar. The slow pace at which the gender pay gap has narrowed this century contrasts sharply with the progress in the preceding two decades: In 1982, women earned just 65 cents to each dollar earned by men.”
Don’t Just Sponsor Women and People of Color – Defend Them by Rosalind Chow in Harvard Business Review
“Anyone, regardless of how much power they hold, can sponsor others by confirming a positive impression or creating one by introducing them to an external party. But changing other people’s opinions of a protégé by defending them from criticism is something that is best done by sponsors in positions of power.”
AccessADVANCE Webinar: Access Issues for Faculty with Disabilities
Date/Time: Tuesday, April 4, 3 pm Eastern
Conversations around disability in higher education often focus on access for students with disabilities and overlook the experiences of faculty with disabilities. In this webinar, you’ll hear from faculty with disabilities and disability service providers on topics related to accommodations and universal design, funding for accommodations, and strategies to move beyond mere compliance with related laws.
Join WEPAN Webinar on Wednesday, March 29, 12pm ET for a webinar on women in transportation, featuring speakers with over six decades of combined experience in the field. The WEPAN Women Engineers Webinar Series continues its tradition of highlighting women engineers in different disciplines and across sectors. Engineering students and professionals, WIE/WISE/MEP program staff, and advocates for women engineers are encouraged to attend! Register at bit.ly/WEPANWiT2023
Jessica Rich, SS4A Program Manager at Federal Highway Administration
Erin Slayton, Senior Vice President at HDR
Natalie Lockhart, Principal Transportation Planner at Arcadis
Report: Messages Matter: Effective Messages for Reaching Tomorrow’s Innovators
DiscoverE conducted a year-long research project to find out what today’s teens and their parents think about engineering. This research delves into what today’s teens and their parents think about engineering including:
· How they view engineering and a potential career in STEM
· What resonates and motivates them to consider engineering
We found that targeted messages and profiles of engineers can and do spur interest in engineering among the very groups that will ensure a more diverse future for the field.
Advocates and Allies Workshops
Our Advocates team will have Clarkson-specific workshops (Men Allies for Gender Equity) ready for faculty in April – please be on the lookout for dates soon!
Advocates & Allies is a program designed to improve gender equity through direct and proactive engagement of men faculty. The program is used by more than 15 universities around the nation, including Lehigh University and Rochester Institute of Technology. Our program is run in conjunction with a Women Faculty Advisory Council.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at advance@clarkson.edu. If you’d like to keep up with information like this regularly, you can follow our Twitter account @ClarksonADVANCE. (Our PI team consists of Marc Christensen, Jen Ball, Laura Ettinger, William Jemison, & Stephanie Schuckers. Our Project Director is Sarah Treptow.)