RAPS Master Schedule & Abstracts

Summer Research and Project Showcase (RAPS)
 Master Schedule & Abstracts

Friday, April 14

Please join us Friday, April 14 for the seventh annual Research and Projects Showcase (RAPS). Hosted by Sponsored Research Services (SRS) and Ignite, this event is part of the Celebration & Recognition of Excellence Weekend (CREW). President Christensen and Provost Ahmadi will kick off the event with a welcome message at 8:15am in the Education Resource Center (ERC).

Electronic abstracts can be viewed through the link provided. Searched by major category, area of study, or by clicking on the magnifying glass icon and simply typing in the presenter’s name. 

2023 Spring Abstracts


Welcome Message (8:15am) ERC
Oral Session I (8:30 – 10:00am) ERC & Student Center
Oral Session II (10:15 – 12:00pm) ERC & Student Center
Poster Session (1:00 – 2:30pm) ERC (1st and 2nd Floor)
Research & Excellence Award Ceremony (4:00pm) ERC

For a complete list of presenter times and locations, please see the Master Schedule at the link provided. 2023 Spring Master Schedule

Awards for RAPS session high scorers, Sustainability, Commercialization, and Special Faculty Awards will be presented during the Research & Excellence Award Ceremony on Friday, April 14th at 4:00pm in the ERC.

2023 RAPS Committee

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