Incomplete Grades and Dropping Classes

Sometimes, life happens. If you are feeling overwhelmed as the end of the semester approaches, please keep in mind the following two options: 

  1. Incomplete grades are available to students in certain circumstances. You might be eligible to request an incomplete if you meet the following criteria:
    1. You are currently passing the course
    2. Your ability to finish all of the work required for the course was impacted by some extenuating circumstance outside of your control. 

If that sounds like your situation, you can speak with your course instructor about taking an incomplete. Incompletes are temporary grades, and the work must be made up so a final grade can be given. If your instructor is willing to give you an incomplete, formally request it through myCU (instructions), otherwise your earned grade will be entered. Incompletes must be requested no later than the close of business on the last day of finals (May 9th). 

  1. The deadline to withdraw from a Spring class is this Friday, April 28th at 4:00pm. If you are unable to complete the requirements for a course, you may submit a request to withdraw from it no later than 4:00pm on Friday, April 28th. You can do this electronically in myCU or by bringing an add/drop form to Student Achievement Services in TAC 207. It is recommended that you speak to your course instructor and/or academic advisor before making a decision to drop a course.

Keep in mind that incomplete grades and course withdrawals might impact your academic standing, eligibility for Dean’s list or Presidential Scholars list, and eligibility for future financial aid. If you have questions about how either of these options  may impact you, please reach out to your SAS Specialist for assistance.

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