Defining Masculinity

This announcement comes from the Brothers and Sisters in Christ student organization.

Rejecting passivity. Embracing Responsibility. Getting Stronger. Taking Initiative. Serving Others. Living Courageously. Loving the truth. Hating lies.  Protecting the weak. Providing for family.  Establishing disciplines. Self-sacrificing. This is what it means to be masculine. A life that is not driven by a clear purpose, and a purpose that is actually worth fighting for, will inevitably veer into passivity, irresponsibility, selfishness rather than selflessness, etc. On Thursday April 27th at 7:00pm in the Snell Petersen Boardroom (Snell 330), Pastor Eric Trelease will be speaking on what it means to be a man and how real masculinity is something that needs to be embraced, not vilified. If you want to hear what your purpose as a man is supposed to be, or if you want to hear what the men around you should look like, come join us.

Defining Masculinity, BASIC event, Thursday, April 27th, 7pm, Snell 330.

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