A Week of Poetry and Painting

Three years ago, John N. Serio, professor emeritus and honorary editor of The Wallace Stevens Journal, initiated an email series called “A Month of Poetry and Painting” as a way to alleviate the stress and isolation of the pandemic. Every day he selected a poem by Wallace Stevens and a corresponding painting by Alexis Serio to uplift people’s spirits. A publisher on his list invited him to put together a coffee-table book on the topic (see below). This May, Serio plans to create a series called “A Week of Poetry and Painting” with seven selections from the book.

Many people consider Wallace Stevens the greatest poet of the 20th century. Surprised? Even a member of the Nobel Prize Committee called Stevens "one of their great misses." Discover his magnificent poetry in Perennial Earth, a collection of over thirty of his poems accompanied by Alexis Serio's illuminating paintings. The book is a feast for the eyes and the mind. Softbound (Amazon) / Hardbound (alexisserioart.com)
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