Just in time for Summer: Moodle 4 is here.
Moodle 4, Clarkson’s Learning Management System (LMS), is where to go for all Summer 2023 semester and quarter term courses.
Instructors and students: To access your Summer 2023 courses, login to Moodle and select the Go To Moodle 4 button on your Dashboard.

This is a planned phase in the update to Moodle 4. More information available about this project.
This button is temporary as we migrate fully to Moodle 4. In the weeks to come, this button will be replaced; and instructors and students for all courses will access Moodle directly through their regular login.
What is New in Moodle 4:
Check out our cool intro video (19 sec watch):

Note these important updates in Moodle 4:
Dashboard: Updates to the overall navigation on your Dashboard: You’ll note more white space with fewer menus. This aims to offer quick access to the courses you are enrolled in. More about Dashboard.
Course Overview: Access current courses you are enrolled in. In general before a semester starts and after it ends, courses are hidden from student view. Students should note course start and end dates, and work with the instructor for access to the course. More about Course Overview block.
Course Content: Locate all your course information from the Course Content drop down menu. Select the desired week or topic to access resources and activities posted there by your instructor. More about Navigating Your Course.
Tours: Look for helpful tips in the pop up windows called Tours. Moodle 4 will use Tours to help introduce new features and offer guidance. Check them out.
Questions/Comments: Office of Information Technology HelpDesk 315-268-HELP (x4357) or helpdesk@clarkson.edu