Dear Faculty and Staff,
Check out our May/June Career Center Newsletter. This will be the final one for this semester, and we look forward to starting up again this fall. As a reminder this bi-monthly newsletter has information on resources, articles and important upcoming events. We hope you will enjoy learning and seeing what we are up to. Questions contact Heather DiFino (Hdifino@clarkson.edu), 315-268-6477.
Issue 6
May | June 2023
Career Corner
Faculty & Staff Career Newsletter
The end of the semester is a time of reflection, celebration and discovery. For those moving onto their next career journey (world of work, continuing education, military, volunteering, etc.) we are excited for your new chapter. We know you are prepared to go out into the world and make your mark in society.
For those still continuing on their academic and career journey here at Clarkson, we would like to congratulate you on making it to this point. It is a big accomplishment and you should be proud of how you far you have come.
As a reminder our office is OPEN for the summer and serves students both in person and via zoom. So please reach out to get connected this summer with a career coach. We look forward to working with you.
-Career Center Team
Career Center Hours
Semester Hours: Monday-Friday 8am- 4:30pm
Summer Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-4pm
Appointments: Students have access to resources on our website 24/7! Students can schedule in person and Zoom appointments through via Handshake
Web Resources: Students have access to resources on our website 24/7!
The First Destination Survey is now LIVE for May Grads! The FDS provides data on where Clarkson graduates land post college. Using standards outlined by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), the Career Center gathers this information annually. This data is crucial to our campus as we use this to share out with departments, employers, future Golden Knights and for National rankings.
The survey is done across the Nation by participating colleges. It take only a few minutes to complete by graduating or recently graduated Seniors. Answers are anonymous and all data reported externally is shared as aggregate numbers, either as counts or averages. Identifying information is not provided or shared.
It take only a few minutes to complete and students eligible can find it on Handshake (click on Career Center). Students will have up to 6 months post graduation to submit their information. They will continue to receive reminder emails until they complete this. The survey shares employment rates, continuing education rates, average salary ranges as well as companies and geographic locations of where our graduates land.
While this is a brief overview of the survey, the importance can be felt across campus. The data from the survey is used to tell the story of a Clarkson education, which is a factor in the reputation of the University and ultimately contributes to the value of a Clarkson University degree. In addition, it helps with world reports and rankings for the institution, and provides a repository for bragging rights for the amazing opportunities and career journeys our students embark on after Clarkson.
We highly encourage students who have solidified an opportunity post Clarkson to fill it out. If students are still exploring, they have those 6 months to still access the survey once they have solidified their next steps. In addition our office can assist them in this process of securing their next move so please refer them to us to help!
Thank you for your support and please reach out with any questions (career@clarkson.edu). Want to see past reports? Check out our FDS page here!
Coming Soon — Save the Date! — Fall Career Fair
September 12th: Virtual Day
September 13th: In Person Day
September 14th: Interview Day (optional)
Let us come to you!
Interested in learning more about our office? Perhaps you are looking to connect with an employer? Or maybe you just want to know more about upcoming events and best practices.
Our team is available to assist you with these and more! Reach out to us to set up a time to connect further. We look forward to working with you.
Interested in connecting? career@clarkson.edu
Saying Goodbye
We are sad to announce that Career Coach Jenna will be leaving our team at the end of this semester. She will be missed in the office as many have come to know her as our TickTok guru. Her last day will be May 5th. Please be sure to reach out to wish her the best on her next chapter.
Reporting A Students Professional Experience
What is a Professional Experience?
All students are required to complete a professional experience prior to graduation. This can take many shapes and sizes and is officially determined by the academic department for what is acceptable.
Who Should Report?
All students should be reporting their professional experiences here at Clarkson.
When should they Report?
Students should report this prior to starting the experience. (This is a requirement for those going on co-op).
Where should they Report?
Students should report this through Handshake
This helps our campus to account for where our students are going and what our students are learning. This also allows us to help students should a problem arise at their site that may need to be handled by a Career Team member. In addition, this information is collected to gather contacts from companies to further engage them with our talented students throughout the year.
How Does it Work?
A student will request an experience on Handshake by going to “Career Center” then “Request an Experience”. They will will out the template and hit submit. This will then be forwarded to the Department approvers. Once approved, it will then head off to the site supervisors to confirm. If challenges occur during this process our office can help, so please know each case may be different.
Questions or want to learn more about how to report? career@clarkson.edu
Opportunities for Students!
National Grid’s “Charging our Future” DEI Engineering Scholarship is now LIVE and accepting applications through May 22nd. Click here to learn more!
It isn’t too late to find an opportunity for the summer or fall semester. Employers are consistently
reaching out to us looking for Clarkson talent. If you know of a student who may need assistance
please reach out to us to help!
Career Champions
Do students seek your advice about career related topics? Would you like to be more familiar with career related resources? The Career Center recognizes that career conversations can happen anywhere. Whether with peers, faculty, staff, alumni, employers, supervisors or beyond, students seek advice about their career aspirations and plans from a variety of individuals. It is our responsibility to help career become a place of equity through these conversations.
The Career Center is launching it’s newest venture for Faculty and Staff across campus with it’s Career Champion Program. The Career Champions program is a professional development opportunity for
faculty and staff to learn tangible ways to support students in their career journey at Clarkson.
The workshops engages participants in a tailored curriculum designed to provide you with knowledge about the career development process and the foundations of employability, as well as teaching best practices for having career conversations with students. Participants will learn valuable helping skills, field best practices, and how to make referrals and share available resources with students. Those who complete the training program will receive a Career Champion certificate and pin to display in their office.
The program can be tailored to fit your departments needs including live or virtual format, multiple shorter trainings or a longer one time workshop. Reach out to us at career@clarkson.edu to learn more about how to become a Career Champion today!
L O O K I N G T O H A V E A S T U D E N T W O R K E R I N Y O U R D E P A R T M E N T ?
Let our office help. You can post opportunities for students to see throughout the summer and fall on Handshake. Not familiar with Handshake, no need to worry we are here to help! Reach out to us at career@clarkson.edu to get started!
There are 8 NACE career competencies that we work to prepare our students for throughout their time at Clarkson. These competencies have been established as the top skill sets employers are seeking in candidates. If you are interested in learning ways to incorporate these into your curriculum we are here to help.
Interested in learning more? career@clarkson.edu
What Can I Do With This Major?
What Can I Do With This Major is an online platform that host multiple majors and career paths. It shares which industry majors lead into as well as helpful tips on how to get there while still at Clarkson to try. Students can review multiple major and minor areas to help them map where they can lead to based on their own interests. This site can be found on our website as well as under the resource section on Handshake. Interested in learning more about how your department can access this? Contact us.
Big Interview
Big Interview is a software that provides students with the ability to practice interviewing in the comfort of their own homes! Big Interview is a comprehensive video curriculum leading students
through every step of the interview process. They can choose their own course of study or select a
specific curriculum track.
It educates and prepares students with practice question from hundreds of industries and competencies across all experience levels, complete with insider insights and sample answers crafted by interview experts. Students can find this resource on our website as well as under the resource section on Handshake.
We would like to thank our 2022-2023 and 2023- 2024 HireAKnight Sponsors.
HAK sponsors help support student programming and experiential opportunities for our students. If you have an employer who is interested in being a corporate partner, please reach out to us. You can learn more about the multiple levels of partnership on our website.